Photograph My World!

October 2016
Geeze. Apparently I fell off the wagon with this section of the blog. Doesn't mean I haven't been taking pictures and making more art. Just means I didn't come back and talk about it in here! Life tends to get in the way of things, it seems. In late 2014 I became a mom for the 2nd and 3rd time, having a beautiful and adorable set of twins. Which also means more photo fodder for me! I think my eldest has come to hate being in front of the camera and my twins keep trying to steal the camera. Not just the show but the whole freaking camera! LOL.

I will say that between then and now I have learned so, so much when it comes to photography, and I am learning more each day. My husband upgraded my camera to a Nikon D3100 which is 14.2mp. I don't think its made anymore, but its an awesome camera, and has treated me well. I have also discovered Adobe Lightroom which helps editing images a breeze and so much fun!! I also love my old standby of Photoshop Elements 7. its an oldie but a goody, cause I think they are up to 11 or maybe 14 now. LOL I also have access to the full Photoshop. and it intimidates me, but I am working up to using it.....soon. All of these make up the photography process for me. Sometime I need to remove an object from and image so I "clone" it out (copying from a different spot on the image and placing it over the part I want to remove.) This piture, I "cloned" out a telephone pole that was smack dab in the middle of the image at the bottom. This sky was just so pretty and having that dang thing there literally ruined the image for me. Thankfully I knew how to remove it from the image. Its the little things that keep me happy :-)

Rock the shot February submission Feb 12, 2013
So this month for rock the shot the theme for their contest is RED. Well who doesn't love red? I still wonder why it is the "color of Love." Red doesn't really scream Love, it screams Passion and Lust to me. But hey to each their own! This image is titled Mimicry (for obvious reasons) LOL. Enjoy!

All Images posted to this blog are property of Rachel Seiders and Ravenfire Designs. Un-authorized use of photos is strictly prohibited. Please respect this. Thanks!

Winter Haze Feb 5, 2013
I was comming home from my parents place and as we got closer to our city the fog and low clouds began blocking the sunlight. I decided to pull over and snap a few pictures of the country side. I rally enjoyed the end results.
All Images posted to this blog are property of Rachel Seiders of Ravenfire Designs. Un-authorized use of photos is strictly prohibited. Please respect this. Thanks!

Cameras!! Jan 17, 2013
Over the years I have had a few cameras. Starting off with that adorable point and shoot. I thought I was pretty fancy using that Kodak Advantix that too those long panoramic photos. Then the digital age became all the rage and I had one of those. About 7 years ago i decided to invest my money and got a cannon Powershot S2IS. Man I loved that camera its taken some fabulous pictures and it is only a 5MP!! One such fab shot won the 2011 Linn County Fair best of show award which largehearted me. I was so not expecting that but it was way cool. I was so excited! This camera could take a beating and keep on clicking. Of the camera brands I will say that Nikon and Cannon are my two faves. I will say I have stepped out on them (Man I feel like a cheap hussy) and got an Olympus SP800UZ. Its a good camera with 14MP for clear pictures (the images posted below of my daughter were taken with this camera.) One major drawback is that mondo-large screen! it is beyond sensitive  I have never knocked this camera around, but it did swing gently and the corner tapped my desk and the freaking screen cracked! Thais my only complaint about this camera, other then that it works great (even with the screen all messed up.) And that was all of 2 months after I had gotten it. *sigh* it is what it is. Not much I can do about that. BUT this last christmas my wonderful husband went and got me a GREAT gift. A Nikon D3100!!! oh my googly-goat! I was jumping up and down and yelling! Made my husband laugh and cover his ears! I have had so much fun with this camera and am actually taking a class on it so I can learn just what this bad boy can do! So exciting. I haven't taken many pictures with it so far, but this next year is going to be full of shots! This is my first DSLR. I say first because eventually I will want to upgrade but for now I am one content cookie!

This was the winning entry from The 2011 Linn County Fair, take with that 5MP Cannon Powershot!
All Images posted to this blog are property of Rachel Seiders of Ravenfire Designs. Un-authorized use of photos is strictly prohibited. Please respect this. Thanks!

Rock The Shot: Photo Contest. Jan 11 2013

I am doing my level best to make sure I keep doing the things I enjoy and not get bogged down by drudgery. One of those things is photography. I have had the honor of winning local contests such as at the county fair, but I also want to participate in other contests as well. One that I have taken note of, and I enjoy their site and FB page, is Rock the Shots Favorite Photo of 2012 contest ( I have to admit my fave of the year is one I did fairly recently for our Christmas cards. Its my husbands fave and I have to admit I did a pretty darn good job with it considering as the subject was just this side of peeved at me for putting her in a dress and asking her to not be grumpy. Amazing what comes out of those kinds of moments.

All Images posted to this blog are property of Rachel Seiders of Ravenfire Designs. Un-authorized use of photos is strictly prohibited. Please respect this. Thanks!

Jan 10, 2013 The Light of My Life.

I am fairly certain, like other ladies, that I have one of the best jobs....No scratch that....THE best job in the world, and that is being a MOTHER. Lord have mercy I never knew how hard it could be till out she came. My monkey.The brightest star in my sky. And a tripple whammy to boot. Headstrong, stubborn and (gasp) a REDHEAD!?! We were more then a little surprised at this, but at the same time, not. I was a strawberry blond when I was born (Not anymore!) and I had several great aunts that had varying shades of red hair, but OH MY LORDY!! Nothing link my girl. I never noticed redheads till I had one of my very own, now I see them everywhere. This could be a reason why i love taking pictures of my daughter so much, much to her dismay. She does get tired of it after a while. And here's a perfect example of her being tired of having her picture taken.

All Images posted to this blog are property of Rachel Seiders of Ravenfire Designs. Un-authorized use of photos is strictly prohibited. Please respect this. Thanks!