Ohy am I sore one today. Zumba class last night was awesome, but I didn't sleep well cause my leg was bugging me so bad, and being the stubborn bisnich that I am I didn't get up to take any Ibuprofen Yup I am a stubborn one. I don't like to take medicines of any kind unless absolutely necessary (hence the prescription I take for my bipolar disorder ) I don't treat my body like a temple, I wanna have a life and common who wants to be that static and uncompromising? Not me! I try to enjoy life to its fullest, cause if you don't, I swear you will have a dark grey cloud hanging over your head (Yes, it's like a movie or running commentary in my head, and sometimes it makes me laugh). So get up, get out, and shake off all the yuck in your life and for a single day, raise your face to the sunshine (or in Oregon's case, the UV lamp) and just BE.
Here are a few pieces I found through
Pinterest :-) Enjoy!
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