Friday, July 26, 2013

Linn County Fair 2013

Over the last 6 years or so I have gotten to the point that I like entering competitions!! Its so much fun to see your things on display for everyone to see and to see a ribbon sticker on your name tag! Oh yeah, its a bit of a rush, OK at least it is for me. This year I entered 8 photographs and I came away with 6 ribbons!!! How awesome is that?? 5 FIRST place and 1 third place. I was beyond happy! One of the first place entries was for the image that best represented Linn County. Linn county is the self proclaimed "grass seed capitol of the world." Lets not go into detail on the amount of grass seed that is produced. Its ALLOT! I don't think there was grass seed in the field behind the subject, it could have been wheat......or annual rye grass....ummm yeah....not sure though I am sure my husband could tell me. LOL So here are the pictures that took ribbons, in no particular order (OK the Linn county one is first) (just ignore my watermarks)

First place Linn County class

First place Agriculture class

First place in Animals/Pets

See that baby? That's one I did. Third place in People/Portraits.

First place in People/Portraits

Hard to see this one but its a sunset image I took when I was at Paulina Lake this summer with my family.
First place in Sunrise/Sunsets

The other things that i love to enter into the fair are artistic jewelry pieces. I had 6 entries and 4 of them too first place. Which was also very exciting for me!! Woo Hoo! I snapped a few quick pics, but the items that people entered were so poorly displayed.....

Anyways, that marks the close of the Linn county fair for me! Next up state fair. I have 5 jewelry exhibits and 3 photographs I am entering. This should be fun!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dirty Dash 2013!!

Another year another dirty dash completed! We had a blast, again, and my 14yr old niece was able to come and slop in the mud with me and my girl Kelly. She thought it was awesome. Of course my daughter did the piglet run, as did Kelly's girl. We had mud in places you couldn't even begin to imagine. The one thing we love about these kinds of "races" is that there is no timer. You push yourself at your own pace and have fun!
Kelly and I decided to have our shirts printed for us and the company that did it is local to Albany Oregon and they are called NoDinx (a dink is apparently a volleyball term.) They did a wonderful job and I highly recommend them for your screen printing needs. What we had done was not actually screen printing, that would have cost more, but a process called cad cutting and was significantly cheaper. We loved the end result. You cant see the back of out shirts but they all have a 31 in honor of both Kelly and I turning 31 later this year. We hand painted the girls "I love mud" shirts. You cant see it in the pictures, but the hearts are glittered in silver :-)