Shedding The Excess

What hit me? July 25, 2018
I decided to pop back on here and take a look at what I had done in my yesteryears. Lord have mercy. Its been EONS since I've looked at this. I'm so ashamed! LOL. BUT my boys are starting preschool and this momma is getting back on the healthy train. Come September I will be hitting the gym twice a week to try and get back to being that healthier me. My fitness pal will be restarted...... again.....for like the 5th time. *sigh* being healthy is hard! Being unhealthy is easy. Damn it. Totally not fair!

Fast Forward! February 4, 2016
Yeh. You saw it. That date. 2+ years since I have posted to this page. Lots of things have happened between then and now. I spent 8 months trying to get pregnant, which was the original reason why I decide to shed that 30+lbs. Turns out I had to put the weight back on before I could get a bun in the oven. Which turned out to be two buns. So this year I will be restarting my weight loss journey. Not to be thin, but to be healthy. I have three kids who need their momma and getting rid of the extra pounds will be awesome. I felt so much better when I did it before. Since my twins birth I have had a litany of physical issues that have cropped up. No joke, pregnancy is hard on the body, and hauling around twins is harder still. My left hip and foot have been giving me problems and with the weight loss those will improve. So keep a weather eye out, as I will be updating more often. :-) Wish me luck!

Lost in the abyss? December 3, 2013
I am still here! yup I am always around. I will be honest in telling you that I have regained some of the weight I have lost. not all of it! Sheesh, I aint that bad! Just about 10 lbs worth of it. So I am still down 22.2lbs from where I started back in January of this year. that still makes me feel good! things around here have been changing and hopefully soon I will be back at zumba. My husbands work schedule hasn't been conducive to me going like I was before, but were hoping things have been ironed out enough that I can get back to it!

Update August 24, 2013
Well here I am! I haven't disappeared. Still got a long way to go before that happens, know what I mean. LOL. I am still holding at my 32.2lbs lost. Its been hard the last two months to get to Zumba class. It has been sporadic at best. My husbands work schedule varies allot during the summer time so sometimes he doesn't make it home in time for me to go to class. No husband home means no one to be here with our daughter so I don't get to go to class. Which is fine. it is what it is, and as long as the scales stays constant where it is at. I think I will survive. Come fall, I will be able to kick back into high gear and get the scale to go down again :-)

Goals July 24, 2013
When I set out on this adventure of getting healthier I knew I had one goal in sight and that was to loose that first 30lbs, which I hit, and am now at 32.2lbs lost. And at this point my next set of goals is going to change (I will explain why, down the road) I am still trying to loose weight and be healthy and that is the ultimate goal, BE HEALTHY. Notice I said healthy, not THIN, or SKINNY. I don't believe in those terms. They will never exist for me. My body structure and my genetics dictate something different. LOL. Sturdy is the word I would use to describe myself. I am one hell of a sturdy woman. LOL I have hit a plateau with the weight loss and that's ok! I am enjoying myself at this weight. and once the next goal gets ironed out I can continue down my healthy road!! I will post a new comparison photo cause even though I haven't dropped a huge amount more weight then the last one I honestly thing my body has changed greatly! So it should be an interesting side by side by side. LOL

Chaaaa-chaaa-changes! July 2, 2013
Oh how things have progressed!! My husband and I went away for 2 nights for our 5th anniversary, and I swear the only thing we did the whole time is just eat sleep and be vegetables. It was WONDERFUL. I gained back 4 lbs while we were gone. LOL.  But with in 5 days of getting home I am back to that 31.4lbs lost! How-le-lu-yah!! (Yeh I cant spell that at all!, LOL)

TADAHHHH!!! June 15, 2013
Oh my. Haven't updated in ages so I am a baaaaaddddd girl. But on the upside I PASSED MY FIRST GOAL!! 31.4lbs dropped off my body in less then 6th months without following a fad diet, meal program or using weight watchers!! I feel so accomplished. This is a rare feeling and I am so loving it! I am still doing zumba twice a week (Dance baby Dance!) and am using My Fitness Pal to track what I am eating. Its good to have at least one friend who is willing to go through the pain and loss with you, so I do recommend having a buddy to help push you along while you help push them along. I am channeling "If you build it, they will come" from field of dreams, except it comes out "if you try, you will succeed." Happy dance at my house!!!!

Pushing through May 10, 2013
So i hopped on the scale this morning and it said I had dropped another lb for a grand total of 25.4lbs shed!! Woo Hoo!! I am getting through my 3 week slump and starting to see some more results. I have till July 1st to get all 30lbs off. and so far so good! not to much further and I will hit my first goal!! I am sure I will feel like the soccer announcer "GGGOOOOOOOAAAAALLLLLLL" when I finally do hit that point. Ah....success....I can smell it from here!

Trudging along! May 5, 2013
Today someone let the heat out of the bag! Woo-wee! We Oregon folks aren't really used to the heat and it had to have cleared at least 83 today. The sweat was abounding! My husband worked in the yard most of the afternoon kept company by my dad, who my daughter was so ecstatic to have at our house. She even asked he he could stay "night sleep." LOL. Anyways, back to the main topic at hand. i am down a grand total of 24.4lbs. I have hit a slump and am trying to push through it. Why is food so tasty?? Could someone please explain this?? Well I have 8lbs (ummmm ok, my math sucks, its more like 5.6) to loose by June 30, 2013. Its not far off both in amount of pounds to loose or in time. Yowza! So I guess I better get my arse in gear, right? We got the 2013 dirty dash coming up at the end of June as well so maybe that will help! We are having t-shirts specially made for the event. We are going with our ever present number on them, though this year it wil be a 31 (as we Kelly and I) will each be 31 this year. Whee!! Anyways, keep up the movement!!  And never say die! Hooah!

Stagnant. April 22, 2013
So I am at a lull or a plateau right now. Haven't lost any weight (haven't gained any either, Yay!) Which is totally normal. But I think i am done with this stuck in neutral moment and need to buckle down and get back on track! I got 10 more pounds to go before I hit my first goal! I can do this by the end of June! That is the plan! Back to healthy eating (I took a small vacay cause mother nature decided to drop by.)

Hola! April 16, 2013
Did the Color me Rad race over the weekend and my girl Kelly and I had a seriously awesome time. Click on the hyper link and see if there is one near you. These races are allot of fun and designed to get you up and moving. There's no time limit and there are no expectations (except to have a good time.) So its worth it!

Here is a side by side My girl Kelly did from when we did the Dirty Dash last July and the color me rad from Saturday.

Good morning! April 3, 2013
Good morning everyone. I had a not so nice wake up call at 545 this morning with a very crabby kid. Ohy Vey. I need to put a clock in her room that says when she can come out of her room. Anyways. Popped my self on the scale this morning AFTER i had eaten breakfast and it said 252!!! That's and overall 20.2 pound loss! This is very good. though I don't know if I want to believe it since I was so tired this morning my eyes may have been crossed!

Updated images!! March 28, 2013

So yesterday I promised that I would update the images I took of myself when I started this journey. Well I am not near the finish line yet, but lets see where I am at now :-)

                                                  3/28/2013                        1/14/2013

                                                  3/28/2013                        1/14/2013

OK so when you look at the front view not much different. I don't think I am going to get "narrower" that way. Giving birth gives you hips, what can I say?? But the side view? I can for sure see some change!! and yes my boobs got a tad smaller. Not very thrilled about that! But so far so good!

Man I dropped the ball! March 27, 2013
I am such a bad girl! Its been 9 days since an update!! OK  Tomorrow I will update my photo to give you guys an idea of where I am at physically. I honestly think I am at the 254 mark still but ya never know! I have a friend from California coming up next week and she is going to go to Zumba with me, which is exciting since I don't think she has had the pleasure of attending a class. This week is spring break for Oregon (varies state by state) and since I am at home all week with my daughter, My husband has made the extra effort (even though he has been super busy with work) to get home early enough for us to eat dinner as a family and so that I can hit Zumba all 4 days this week! I will say that my biggest weight loss days are "Zumba days." I know this weekend I am going to have to watch my P's and Q's with Easter dinner. I am sure my in laws are making their to-die-for ham! Yummo! So keep at it everyone! I know I am! I hope to hit that 30lbs lost by July 1st 2013!! I am already halfway there so keep with me! We can do it!

Down the yellow brick road March 19. 2013
For a while there my weight got stagnant. Not moving up or down, which is a good thing considering all the crap that has been floating around the house. Although I hopped on the scale this morning and hit 254.4 which is a booty dance all in itself. No more stagnation! (also no more birthday cake!) I have gotten to the point that I have to use a hair tie to hold the zipper of my pants up (Looped over the button.) Still am not at the point of buying new jeans. I wanna loose more and fit into the smaller sized ones I already have. Once I get past size 18 then i will need to shop. Its weird, i was thinking of this the other day and I don't feel as big or heavy as I actually am. Not sure what that means but I have always seen myself as chunky, but not bad. Its been since I had my daughter (*sigh* 4 years!!) that i have noticed more changes in my body. Pregnancy takes a toll on a woman's physicality. My stomach just aint the same folks. but all in all so far so good! Don't you agree?

Uh oh...... March 13, 2013
Ok. I have been a bad girl! I haven't been on here since Feb 28th!?!?! oh lordy! I think in a previous post I stated I had shed 13.6lbs well since then i have dropped more and am at a total loss of 16.2 and I couldn't be happier! Still got 15 more to go before I hit my first goal of 30lbs down. I am hoping to hit that by the end of June  With what I have lost so far, that's not overly far fetched. i just need to stop eating these damn BIRTHDAY CAKE AND CUPCAKES!!! It was my daughters 4th birthday on Sunday  time sure fly's when your having fun :-) I am going to have to take a new status picture. I haven't done one since I started this blog page so its time. No guarantees on actually looking different though my pants have a tendency to fall down now, especially the ZIPPER on one pair. Nothing like showing off your granny panties to all and sundry. LOL. I wont be jean shopping till I get down to size 16. So a few more sizes to go! Wheee!!

Up or Down.....Feb 28, 2013
So i hopped on the scale yesterday morning and it read 258.6 and this morning it said  257.4 Now I am beyond excited about this, it means what I am doing is working! Small miracles never cease to amaze me. Heres hoping my scale isn't just messing with me. That would be so not cool. LOL

Three! Feb 27,2012
I was a bad girl. A very bad girl. We ate out three nights in a row! I felt a bit like sliding backwards, much to my annoyance. BUT at least while we ate out I made better food choices. Choices choices choices! On Friday my husband brought home pizza and bread sticks. I ate two of each and Yes I blew my calorie count for that day. Saturday we had a double date with some friends and I was CRAVING fried fish, so we ate at a small local seafood restaurant with the best fish and chips around. I asked the waitress to hold the chips and make my side salad larger. I never eat all the fries they give me anyways. And on Sunday we went to Izzy's and since its a buffet I stuck mostly to the salad bar. I dint go over my calorie count for that night! Yay! So the point is to take a second and think about what you put into your body. I may not treat mine like a temple, in fact I am way harder on myself then the average person, but I am doing my best to whip it into a shape other then ROUND. LOL. (-13.6lbs!)

Work it baby! Feb 22, 2013
I haven't updated in a while. Bad me. LOL. But things are going well. I am doing Zumba twice a week and Still using the My fitness pal app on my tablet. I figure, at least by watching the scale I am dropping .2lbs per day. Which is slow and steady. I will say that by eating better and not binging on the fun stuff (I factor the tasty fun stuff into my diet each day, so that my sweet tooth is satisfied) I feel better. Slow and steady wins the race, and I intend to win!

Superhero Trot Feb 17, 2013
Today my girl and I did the Superhero Run (Ok, I call it the Superhero trot, cause that's about my speed) with my bud Kelly and BOTH of her girls and her husband. Its been cold and wet around here for the most part though we did have two days where the temp actually got above 50 and the sunshine made an appearance! Small miracles never cease to amaze me.As soon as the sun popped out my 3yr old asked if we could get her wading pool out to go swimming. Ummmm No. Not happening. LOL. She did good and walked some of it but was in the stroller for the most part and I don't blame her. She has short legs and 3 miles is a long way for her little legs to go. But It sure was nice. now if someone could invent some un-obtrusive glasses with windshield wipers I would be allot happier. (down 10.4lbs)

Onward and! Feb 14, 2013
I freely admit to enjoying some milk chocolate Hershey kisses last night as I was assembling valentines for my daughters class. No sense in having them around if I cant partake, Right? Well anyways, last nights zumba class was off the hook! I mean OFF THE FLIPPEN HOOK! The only thing that was a little distracting were the two men in front of me who attended with their wives (which I think is hands down awesome and cool) who lacked any coordination and rhythm  men's hips were not meant to move the way a woman's does. LOL. It was funny and distracting all in one, and just annoyed me in the long run. LOL. Anyways, This morning I hopped on the scale after using the bathroom and BOOM! I have officially broken that 10lb barrier for a grand total loss of 10.2 lbs. I NOW weigh the same as when I was 9 weeks pregnant nearly 4 years ago. WHOO WEE!! This has me excited. As of right now you cant see much change in my physically, but I am hoping the next 10lbs that come off, I will start to see some differences in my appearances. I am a big girl, so it may take 20lbs lost to show any difference. But here's hoping, right?
The other thing I did was adjust my calorie intake on My Fitness Pal so that I can loos 1.5lbs a week vs. 1lb a week. So far so good! Even with the calorie reduction I seem to have done a good job adjusting to it and still manage to stay under the calorie level. Small miracles never cease to amaze me!

Take 2... Feb 10, 2013
So last week I made the mistake of skipping a few days worth of my vitamin supplements  just to see what happened (yes, I am a guinea pig for myself, LOL) And I will tell you this. I felt like SHIT. I got a runny nose to boot. Ugh. Well anyways, weather the runny nose came about because I wasn't taking my supplements or not I still felt lousy. Needless to say that once you start on them keep taking them cause your body does adjust, and what we lack in our regular diets our body will like from our supplements  This in no way shape or form should be used as an excuse to eat poorly. The best and easiest way to get the nutrients our body needs to function at an optimum level is from the foods we eat. So making healthy choices is always better then popping a tablet.

Keeping the flow...Feb 7, 2013
Going out to dinner tonight for my mother in laws birthday. (No I wont tell you her age, I think she would strangle me!) I know its hard when we go to restaurants to behave ourselves food-wise  We don't eat out often, so the need to indulge runs rampant. I plan on sticking to the salads mostly. you can get some great filling foods. Mmmm cucumber...... OK where was I? Oh yes, rampant foods. Anyways, we just have to slow down and make a conscious decision of what we should and want to eat. By doing this we can control how much we eat while still eating the things we like. I try not to stress about this, cause when i do I wanna grub out like crazy. So just relax, slow down and think about it. Pretty easy, right? Its the implementation that's a pain in the ass! (Down 8.8lbs)

And now Feb 5, 2013
Ok, I haven't been on in a few days but here's an update for you! I have been doing Zumba twice a week and still doing my exercises at home. So far I have been able to drop 8.2lbs! Yay! I just have to remember not to eat those damn sandwich cookies! LOL

Uh yeh..... Jan 31, 2013
Last night I hit Zumba and I was a sweaty mess and there was so much condensation in the room that I felt my foot slip a few times, I was just extra careful how I placed my feet after that. Man it felt great! The 16 year old boy that attended with his female friend cracked me up. Poor guy was pooped by the end of class and it was his first one. But moving on. Popped onto the scale this morning and it went up to 265.4 used the bathroom and went and got back on and it was 265.8 WTF?? How did I gain weight AFTER using the bathroom. I think my scale and my friends scale are conspiring against us cause this happened to her as well. Well shoot. guess I shouldn't have had those 4 vanilla sandwich cookies last night  Next time I go for them someone give me a proverbial smack! Less is more. I could have had 2 cookies and been fine but old habits die hard and I had 4 *sigh* next time I will be better and only have 2 and not at 11pm!

Wah Wah Wahhhh! Jan 30, 2013
Totally half assed my work out yesterday. I have a cold so I was just not feeling it. Hopefully I will be able to get the whole thing done without a problem today. I hate getting sick! Sucks the life right out of you. At least I don't have a fever. I wouldn't even be moving if that's what I had. Ugh.I'll let you know how it goes.

Nutrients Jan 29, 2013
So the one thing that I have herd allot about, and have to agree with, is that we DO NOT get all the nutrients we need from what we eat. And quite frankly as a population we eat nothing but junk. I will say for myself I am eating way better but I still am not getting the nutrients I need. The best way to get them is by eating the foods that have these nutrients but sometimes that isn't enough. I live in the pacific northwest and the sun doesn't shine much between September and March, its highly recommended, especially for women, to take a Vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D is an essential key in calcium absorption and is naturally produced by our body's with exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun. (see where I am headed here?) If w don't get enough of it our bones can become brittle and can lead to osteoporosis. There are more vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function, and I cant even begin to cover them all. So to make sure I get what my body needs I take a women's multi-vitamin each day as well as a Calcium Citrate + D supplement, and a Vitamin D supplement. I figure between what I eat and these three things I get the nutrients my body needs to function at its highest. My only issue is I have to take them at night, lest I want to be nauseous all day. No clue why, its just the way my body works.

Waking up Jan 28, 2013
So I weighed myself last night after my shower and I was at 267.4 which is GREAT!! So this morning, for shits and giggles, I weighed myself, 266.6 (WOO HOO!!) Then I used the bathroom blew my nose and reweighed myself, 265 (all that WATER i drink!) I was talking to my girl Kelly from MTC (Muffin Top Chronicals) and she said the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning after you use the toilet, So I am going official on the 265 weight. So flippen cool! I am making progress and that's what counts! So don't give up hope, keep pushing and you can do it! Oh one of the things that is helping me keep track of what i eat and how much, and making me think about it before I put it into my mouth, is My Fitness Pal. Its pretty easy to use and its been a for sure helper, and Free to boot! Check it out!

The Temptations! Jan 24, 2013
The Temptations; and no I don't mean the classic vocal group which formed in the 1960's. I am talking about those chocolate glazed Entenmann's, or those Little Debbie Oatmeal cream filled cookies (a personal weakness.) You cant walk into a grocery store without being bombarded with JUNK. Grocery shopping for us is a family affair. We go every Sunday and rarely go any other time during the week. This helps us stay on budget (I did go today and get cottage cheese, yogurt and a few fresh veggies.) But I swear, walk into a store and BAM! There's that Superbowl chip display calling our names. Its no wonder that our country has gotten so FAT. I ain't gonna sugar coat it folks. We are a, mostly, lower middle class society of fatties. No one likes to hear it so we feign ignorance and just let it go. Well we cant and we shouldn't and I WON'T. I have a 3 yr old I am determined to see grow up go to college (if she chooses), get married, have babies and become and old woman herself long before I decide to kick the proverbial bucket. What we do NOW will affect our health in the coming years. I may have mentioned that my family tree, like so many others, has a litany of medical issues, and by getting healthy now I hope to avoid most, if not all of them. Most people think that the higher the price the better the quality, and when it comes to food this is appearing more and more true. The crappy stuff is cheaper and the good stuff is more expensive. Its no wonder our waistlines have expanded! Just remember when you go grocery shopping to: Start in the produce section - Know that what the store is really pushing is usually at eye level (this verys from person to person as our heights are all different, but I am talking average height) - And yes the healthier items like fresh meats, fruits and veggies are going to be more expensive. (This is why we plant a garden every year, and yes I live in the city) We also get a half side of beef from a local farmer every year and this cuts down on meat costs; in fact the only meat I buy at the store is chicken. The cost is lower and you have all sorts of cuts to choose from. The type we get is grass fed and hormone free. It's definitely something to look into if you are able to. Well anyway the point I am getting at is that our country is fat, and companies offer us to much crap. We have to make a conscious decision to stay away from the garbage!

No Pain No Gain? Jan 23, 2013
So yesterday I didn't do any exercising. I was just to sore! Who knew you actually used those butt muscles to get in and out of the car and the top of my thighs!!!! Lordy! I was a bit stiff legged and didn't want to over extend myself. Today I am still sore but less so; so I will be doing my exercises. Not sure if I will go to zumba tonight. Still have the scratchy throat my daughter (who has a cough) decided to share with me. Luckily (knock on wood *clunk clunk*) hasn't progressed past that. Yay! Small miracles do happen! So despite the small amount of soreness I have now I will be getting up and moving in my exercises. Gotta keep that forward momentum or I will fall back and not be able to get up (LITERALLY! LOL.) Keep moving peeps!

Shaking those jiggly bits Jan 22, 2012
Last nights zumba session was off da hook! (OK that just sounded cheesy even to me, LOL.) Got my girl Kelly from over at The Muffin Top Chronicles to get back to class and we are both sore and tired. But its a good soreness and a good tiredness. Who knew there were different types? LOL. Our instructor Bethanie is probably one of the harder instructors, so I have been told. I have only attended classes from her and one other woman and I found that I prefer Bethanie's classes. They are always full of a variety of people none of which has the same story. Each person is there for his or her own reason (yup we have several men who come as well and they really know how to groove!) Its so worth it to check it out. And the classes don't cost much either, which is nice as its way easier on the pocketbook then a gym membership. So I suggest you check it out if you haven't already. (and yes! people bring their kids and they do an amazing job of keeping up!)

Borrowed from Zumba with Bethanie
Please have respect, this image is property of Zumba with Bethanie and unauthorized use is prohibited!

Kids and Exercise! Jan 21, 2013
I think I may have to hire a babysitter just so I can exercise at home. My nearly 4 yr old doesn't understand that if she stands behind me when i do a donkey kick she is going to get hurt. Luckily we didn't have that incident (whew!) and I had to finally turn on cartoons just so could get my 30 minutes of exercise in. The little turkey! Having kids is no easy job that's for sure and trying to exercise while having kids at home is even harder!
Run your TuTu off! Jan 19, 2013
Today was the day! It was a glorious 30 degrees out and we were wearing Tutus! Yes that's right! you read that correctly. TUTUS! And yes, before you ask, I made them. LOL. They are quite simple to make and I will cover that on my Crafting page, but that's for another day. We did a 3 mile walk in 1hr and 5mins. not bad if I do say so myself. So what if it was 21.66 minutes per mile. But that's OK! The point is that we got up and got moving. My daughter is the one that cracks me up the most. She whined and moaned the second half of the walk. She might be reevaluating her decision to attend with me in the future :-) So here are some of the shots that we got. It was fun to get up and get out there and meet new people!
My daughter cracks me up!
Thanks to the ladies who put the "run your tutu off" event on for this picture!

Cant ask for a better team mate then this! We had a blast!

Equipment Jan 17, 2013
I have, like many of you, had various pieces of exercise equipment that get shuffled around or lost (I am still looking for my other 2lb weight!) Well I cracked my stuff out of the closet and am putting it to work. If you don't have any of these items you can get them at a relatively good price. I wasn't choosy when i picked this stuff up. I was just concerned with the cost. Frankly buy weights locally as the shipping costs could be a bear (grrooowwwllll!) And if you don't have the funds for hand weights just check your cupboards :-)

Work those baked beans off BEFORE you even eat them!

These are the the basic items you need to do the exercises I outlined previously in this post. I have had this stuff for like 10 years without really using it. Except the ball. my daughter gives it a workout. LOL. I do recommend the ball as there are allot of different exercises you can do with it and its well worth the investment. I think this one was like $10 (Don't quote me on that!)

Food! Jan 16, 2013
I am a dyed in the wool SUGARHOLIC. I am a reforming, or at least trying to. There is nothing better then sugar. That sweetness that just causes you to scrap all that healthy eating right into the proverbial frying-pan  Sugar may be my greatest want but its also my fiercest enemy (if it were an animal it would be one of those lost and lonely pups on the ASPCA or Humane Society commercials. And who can resist those eyes? Not me!) The sugar craving becomes overwhelming just before Aunt Flow arrives (ugh.) I have literally eaten and entire box of Twinkies (and arnt our hips grateful that Hostess is no more?) in a single afternoon. Even with being disgusted over the act I just couldn't seem to help myself! This last time around I was craving hardcore (this was prior to beginning my reform) and I damn near ate a loaf of bread in 2 days. WOW. Talk about a bender. Whats funny it is only happens a few times of the year. Its like my body needs something and I just have to consume it like a tornado consumes a city. 2 days is as long as this lasts. I literally feel like an addict. Its disconcerting. But hopefully my reforming days are making a dent in this and I am on my way to living a reduced sugar life (the fact that Diabetes runs in my family, and I just turned 30 are also key players in this decision.) So today I took the time to make up some healthy snacks (I will be making Hummus tomorrow. Yumm!) The inside of my fridge is a bit ridiculous but its a needed step in curbing these sugar cravings.

Notice all those little containers? Yup they are loaded with carrots, sliced bell pepper, grapes and celery. A bit ridiculous looking but for me its needed. Taking the time, every-time, to cut up a snack is a downer, so i spent 20 minutes getting this all set up so I can just grab and go! Plus this makes it easier for my daughter to grab a tub of grapes and go munch munch. LOL. The little Glad tubs were $2.08 (with coupon per pack of 8) at our local Fred Meyer (which is Kroger) and they are BPA free to boot! Yay! Doing a weeks worth of snacks in advance limits me from wandering around going "what should I eat?" Well ain't it convenient that those little tubs are there ready and waiting? (yes its a rhetorical question, and one I ask myself allot.)

Do something fun! Jan 15, 2013
On occasion we do something fun that gets us up and moving. My Zumba buddy Kelly from over at has been getting us up an out and doing fun stuff. We did the Dirty Dash last summer, then the Zombie Chase in October and this weekend we will be do in the "Run your Tutu off." And yes I made tutus for us to wear. (Pictures of that coming this weekend!! Gonna be the bomb-diggity!)

                                     Yup. We got dirty for our 30!

                                               Before the Race

After the Race. Who new mud could be so cute and Sexy??

October 2012 We walked the whole thing cause we both had medical reasons. But it was fun just the same!

ZOMBIES!!! Post "race" LOL

So with that being said (and shown) find something fun to do! Make sure to come back for Tutu "race" photos :-)

Commiseration Jan 15, 2013
There is nothing better about this journey then teaming up with other driven and like minded women (Or men). I am "tagging along" with 6 other ladies who have decided to do Weight Watchers. I am doing my own thing side by side these ladies (mainly cause our finances don't have wiggle room for $43 a month in WW fees), and they are providing great emotional support and encouragement to keep plugging on. Nobody likes to walk alone, and my best advice for you is to do "The Buddy System" (Insert dramatic voice and superhero stance.) Seriously. I don't think I would be as far as I am without these ladies. We have formed a closed group Facebook page so that we can talk amongst the 7 of us about our ups, downs and in-between's while sharing recipes and providing encouragement. We are also holding each other accountable for the stuff we put in our mouths. Just knowing that one of these ladies is out there trying to make healthier food choices and going through the same cravings and crankiness I am just makes the whole process easier to handle. So I give major KUDOS! (No not the granola bar) to these feisty women.

It Starts! Jan 14, 2013
Oh lordy I cant believe I am doing this.  Not proud of the fact that I am overweight, in fact I am downright annoyed with of myself. Its sooooo easy to put weight on but to take it off, you practically have to turn yourself inside out.. The world conspires against us ladies in this, I think. Anyway, without further a-due here are my start images. Front view and side view. Lovely huh? Stunning Right? UGH. But its proof that I am just like everyone else in the world. I weighed myself in at a whopping (Oh lordy I will roll over in my grave someday over this) 272 pounds. CRIKEY MATE THAR SHE BLOWS! (Sorry having a Steve Irwin - Moby Dick moment there.) The only thing I can say about this is that its only 10lbs heavier then I was in Sept 2008 - and I was 10 weeks pregnant then. Now? Not even close.

Mood Music! Jan 10, 2013

When I refer to mood music, I ain't getting romantic on ya. I am talking about music that gets you in the mood to move; the mood to Groove! Those toe tapping songs you just cant help but shake your "bon bon" to. Thanks to the fabulous Bethanie Gambardella of Zumba by Bethanie (One of our local, and totally awesome Zumba Instructors) I have branched out my musical horizons and have found some fun and funky beats that I can literally move to. Doesn't matter if I am in the car, exercising or cooking dinner, these songs are sure to make me (and you) move my/your feet. I have a very eclectic pallet  for music so I listen to just about anything from opera to heavy metal. Two ends of the proverbial spectrum. Whatever gets you moving is what is going to work!

So for me this is what I have on my "move it to loose it" Playlist. All of these can be purchased online through places like or Google Play!

Little Big Town - Tornado (This one just makes me wanna do some sexy moves)
Christina Aguilera - Fighter
Katy Perry - Part of Me
Sean Kingston - Fire Burning on the dance floor ((ultramixx))
Havana Brown - We run the night
Pitbull - Back in time
Flo Rida - Low (feat T-Pain)
Pitbull - Don't stop the party
Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the middle with you
Fun - Some Nights
Ke$ha - Die Young
Chris Wallace - Remember When
Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts (Feat. Adam Lavine)
Big & Rich (Feat. Gretchen Wilson) - Fake Id
Train - 50 ways to say goodbye
Cher Lloyd - Want u Back

These are the most recent additions and they are so much fun! My 3 year old daughter and I listen to them and dance around the kitchen. There really is nothing cuter then a 3 year old cutten the rug. So I suggest you do some footwork and figure out what kind of music moves you.

Pinteresting Exercises! Jan 9, 2013

I am a fan of Pinterest. Its hard not to be. So many ideas so little time. So in a quest to re-fit myself, I took to the boards and went looking for activities There are allot of "pre-made" routines that you can use. Her are a few examples (Links Included) You can also link up with my "Get that Booty Movin" board on Pinterest. To see more of what I have found.

Some of these focus on specific body parts others are more general, I will for sure be doing the "Beach Babe Booty" Simply because I have aptly nicknamed my butt "The Arctic Tundra." LOL Flat, white and for some odd reason, its the coldest part on me! Still need to figure out what a Short bridge, fire hydrant and donkey kick are, before I even attempt this. LOL. (Who names this stuff??) Ha! (Update: Went and found some links for these fun named exercises. Now I know why they call it the Fire Hydrant. Crack me up!)

I actually had to look up some of these cause I had no clue how to do them PROPERLY. There is no sense in hurting myself in this process. I found some useful links, and you may also find them useful as well.


                                                                       Donkey kick
      Fire Hydrant (Makes sense now huh?)

Butt Kickers

Plie Squat (Think ballet!)

There are any number of different exercises to try and these are just a few examples. Come up with a combination that is going to work for YOU. No two people are alike and what will work for me may not be the best for you, so take some time and figure it out. From a 30 year old overweight mother to the world, we can do this and still be human at the same time.


Amanda said...

Great job, Rachel! Keep up the hard work and it will all pay off!